
Unicom said the Nigerian subsidiary of Telecom is exploring the possiGiubbotti MonclerMoncler Online

SAN Oct. 15 message to the speculation that Nigerian telecommunications company China Unicom will purchase a hot matter the occasion pass, China Unicom announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary of Unicom,Giubbotti Moncler, a subsidiary of European telecommunications companies are exploring for Nigeria the possibility of equity investment, but Liantonghongchou Company and Unicom Group does not have any negotiations on the matter.

According to previous reports,Moncler Online, this year in February, China Unicom and Nigeria and Dubai Minerva Group GiCell Wireless wireless operators form a \shares of its wireless business unit M-Tel,Bottes UGG, and successfully acquired the right of priority. However,Moncler Jackets UK, China Unicom,UGG Knightsbridge, a member of the consortium.

And Administration of state-owned enterprises in Nigeria issued a statement today, announced that Jonathan president has approved the sale of Nitel to a new era of consortium, and asked the latter to pay 750 million U.S. dollars within 10 days of the bid bond, and the remainder paid within 60 days of 17.5 billion U.S. dollars.

To this end,UGGS Laarzen, China Unicom Hong Kong-listed company (hereinafter referred to as \\and operations management, and to meet certain conditions of investment for Nigeria, the possibility of telecommunications options. As the announcement date, China Unicom and related parties of Europe have not yet agreed on specific transactions and legally binding provisions negotiations.

Liantonghongchou not the company itself and any interested party to the aforementioned \, China Unicom Group itself has not with any interested party to \

from the announcement of view, China Unicom and a new era of European companies should be in close contact with the consortium,UGG Kensington, is exploring options for Nigeria's telecommunications investment possibilities,UGG Bailey Button Triplet, while intended to provide information technology services and operations management. (JUVENILE)

> Related: international consortium led by Unicom 2.5 billion acquisition of Telecom in Nigeria Nigerian telecommunications company China Unicom acquisition: the process complicated and confusing

