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(connected to the blog entries \modeling small, waving as the most common. Carve a wave like a series of military coats, uniforms, coats. Also a three-breasted military coat and four-breasted, wearing a cap and do not wear hats. Do not wear hats caps left hand behind the sub, side, left front and left hand grip slightly drooping and his left hand behind. Wearing a military uniform waving a cap, such as the Red Sun Square, Lijiang, Yunnan Province; or do not wear hats, such as Beijing Jiaotong University. Also has a military coat is not waved, his hands behind, such as Fudan University. General wear both hats coat, and hands behind the skirts fluttering, which is depicted, \Shape over a copy from the Tsinghua University, and modify, but more factories in Beijing architectural art sculpture designed several groups of Chairman Mao statue modeled for each unit reference.

was found during the Cultural Revolution, President of Beijing University who built a statue of the school waving not move from outside Beijing. Such as Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Who has a back hand are relocated statue of the university, although after the Cultural Revolution but moved back into a \Wuhan), Forestry University (Beijing and Yunnan) and so on. Beijing Agricultural University of Chairman Mao statue of Chairman Mao is like a back hand, was placed under the Yan'an school.

like the statue of Chairman Mao and Chairman Mao badges, Mao during the Cultural Revolution is not willing to mass-produced, written instructions Chairman Mao said: \Chairman Mao also said: \After July 30, 1980, the CPC Central Committee issued a \necessary limits. Document issued the same day, the Great Hall of the huge portrait of Mao Zedong before the suspension was removed. Although the \In the removal process, the emergence of discontent, many local people have been strong protests. After more than three months, the CPC Central Committee in the Nov. 6 special issue \There are some places to the statue has caused a dispute, the central hope, where in the disputed areas, generally not destroyed. Although it is said not to destroy,moncler sale, but after the cult of the individual voices in opposition, then a disappearance of a statue of Chairman Mao. Until 89 years until people feel the growing trend of social corruption, unfair injustice everywhere, people began to recall Mao Zedong era.

centennial in 1993, President since the country has gradually built a lot of Chairman Mao statue forefront of reform and opening city, rural development and prosperity, the Chairman of the homeland, there is the old revolutionary base. In recent years the \But not the real artists, the image great harm.

district of Chongqing Medical Jinyun highest in the country in 2008 built a statue of Chairman Mao, high 20.6 meters,buy moncler, 16.8 meters high base and weighs 46 tons, the statue still add up to more than 10 storeys high. The statue itself is divided into upper and lower body in two parts, is made entirely of stainless steel, internally hollow steel structure, the statue cost 2.8 million yuan. But the very success of birds, was quite thrown away upon \more. Of course, President of the school building as the starting point is good, but problems with the Chinese stage art, utilitarian,Authentic ugg, like overnight success of many people. Some reviews: Art masters such as artisans, neither fish nor fowl, said abstract, for us the silly side exclaimed, catlike character a kind of painting.

2009 Orange Isle Changsha has built the largest national youth body sculpture of Mao Zedong (see above). Sculpture total height of 32 meters,ugg red, 83 meters long, 41 meters wide, meaning age 32 in 1925, Mao Zedong wrote \Sculptures of reinforced concrete frame structure, the plug Yongding red granite. More than 8,000 blocks of stone sculpture by splicing, the base of 3,500 square meters. Sculpture from concept to design to construction completion after more than two years. Sculpture to the spirit of this great man and a perfect combination of art, is the more successful one Mao sculptures. There are rumors of Hunan

somewhere to build 183-meter high statue of Chairman Mao, 93 meters to overtake the United States the Statue of Liberty (like 46 meters high), I do not know whether the build up, whether the relevant departments agreed.

1987 年 8 月 29,moncler jacket, in the evening, the statue of Chairman Mao, Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University students accompanied by leaders of the school after 20 years sent down, so the number of students deplored, understand, and speculation, it is sad said: first in the country the disappearance of a statue of Chairman Mao, which can only be said to be first in the country during the Cultural Revolution statue outdoor statue of Chairman Mao.

respect to China's first outdoor statue of Chairman Mao was still alive. The first outdoor statue of Chairman Mao statue was built in the former tractor factory in Xinjiang in October, September 30, 1952 completion of Chairman Mao wearing a military uniform, his right hand holding the book, the visual front. As 3.5 meters high and weighs 3 tons. The plant contains three vertical and a horizontal one, \The plant formerly known as auto repair shop, 16 April 1951 construction work began Oct. 1, 1952 formally put into operation. As experts in the Soviet Union aided the plant, the two statue is to commemorate the friendship between the two peoples in the Soviet Union built. Statue of Wang Zhen, commander of the Xinjiang Military District in the initiative, organized several attended. Statue took about three months to complete, when the Soviet Union with three bags of rice for a bag of cement. Of Li Yuxiang, liberation studying at art school in Hangzhou, liberated to participate in the PLA, with the troops into Xinjiang. According to the factory's old comrades, said: In 1949 Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union, signed the Sino-Soviet friendship treaty. In the April 19, 1950, the Soviet Union and China signed a replacement agreement, agreed by the Sudanese side to provide equipment, technology, Dihua (modern Urumqi) to build car repair shop. Construction of the plant is under the direct leadership of General Wang Zhen, Zhujiang all PLA officers and men to live frugally, raising funds, mountain logging, open stone, brick kiln was built. And under the guidance of experts in the Soviet Union, the soldiers in their own hands, took only one year and five and a half, and built the plant. April 28, 2005 to move the statue of Chairman Mao in Urumqi Yamalike Mountain area. Stalin statue is unknown destination. The statue is of great historical significance, and respect for the country's first statue of Mao Zedong as a national cultural heritage should be (thanks to Mr. Jun written material).

hall-type meeting rooms and a statue of Chairman Mao-type are placed indoors. Inside and outside the country in 1978, Statistics 2115 and the statue of Chairman Mao has said there are 300 in Chongqing, where a large part of the indoor hall-type meeting rooms and larger type of Chairman Mao. Auditorium and outdoor plaza type type statue statue similar shape, it is basically like the body, material, mostly glass, steel, cement,moncler kids, gypsum, etc., these statues were basically Chen Fang at the provincial,leather uggs, city and military auditorium, theater and the building departments and units have see, these type of statue statue of not less than square, but left little more to destroy the eighties and later the hall renovation, building renovation, the material is not good, to stay small. Military museum's lobby there is a hall-type statue of Chairman Mao.

Jingdezhen there were two firing several statues and three large porcelain statue of Chairman Mao, set up on the next two to three meters, or more, is \Fuzhou bodiless Municipal Auditorium has a texture like waving Chairman Mao, two meters high,moncler online store, milky white,moncler jacke, ten years ago living people, alone in this one, hard to come by.

statue of Chairman Mao have a material most people imagine, the statue is made of paper and paper paste up the skin, but rare is the hall-type wave like, including the base 2.3 meters high. This statue can be dual-use, four people lifted celebration to join the parade, usually placed in the hall for viewing.

Chamber produced a lot of type statue of Chairman Mao, preserved greater. Material to ceramics, plaster, glass and steel-based, there are white marble and other bodiless lacquerware. There are ceramic statues and busts, statues and split a piece. Plaster with solid and hollow, a statue and bust. Plaster bust of a large steel and glass, the height of more than 1.2 meters, are plastic face of such large-scale bust is very real.

Sacred Museum's \a dark green base, height 24 cm, 42 cm length and width equal to the front accompanied by a 11 × 30 cm in the bottom two lines of brown, gold, uplink, \Jinggangshan. \President wearing a hex cap, eyes in front of Olympus God face, facial expressions,moncler parka, there are shares of stern temperament, wearing a collar with three pockets of the uniform, Wai Pi coats, their heads held high, right hand Diao was already lit cigarette, natural music in the chest, left tiger's mouth down care in the waist, right foot first into the ease posture, the statue form realistic, technology skills, is a rare piece of superior works. To appreciate this statue, like that of Mao Zedong during the revolutionary spirit of youth, a pair of \respect born out of the hands of paint such as from a teacher. Of Li Si, was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1957 and stayed eight years training, a former president of Xiamen Academy of Art for many years, the famous sculptor, sculpture and large-scale national hero, world-famous historical figure. According to Professor Li Weisi letter recalls, \statue, after some thinking, he \the thunder of cannon, the enemy has night escape \Statue in 1968 before being delegated to do to make the thick end of the old artist born out statue of Mao. End of this statue from clay to 98 years into the establishment of \The statue of bodiless lacquer solitary statue of Chairman Mao in several exhibitions in the industry as a \95 years of doing media articles reported that the \

bedroom statue of Chairman Mao as their number and variety, is a \Room by the outdoor statue of Chairman Mao is under the influence of Chairman Mao's statue around the mass-produced, from Premier Zhou living room to the civilian population at home, almost every family has put a President like. Sculpture artists are good at full expertise, creative spirit of the performance of various periods of Chairman Mao statue of the face. Ability to produce a statue of a large number of manufacturers also manufacture, such as ceramics factory, wood plant, jade plant, stone carving factory, ivory plant, plastics plant, gypsum plant, bodiless lacquerware workshop,ugg outlet store, glass, steel mills, aluminum plants, and even aircraft factory so, the material is very rich, at least two dozen. Shape and number of the porcelain up to the more common ceramic statue of Chairman Mao in Beijing, Hebei, Tangshan, Handan, Yu County, Henan, Shandong Zibo,ugg for cheap, Liling, Hunan, Jiangxi Jingdezhen, Dehua porcelain factories produced such as, of course, do many cities and even commune ceramic factories have made as President.

indoor statue of Chairman Mao first appeared in the forties. According to Wang Zhaowen recalls the early forties, he was writing in Yan'an kiln in Comrade Mao Zedong, the first ever plaster, and placed in the new auditorium of the Central Party School in Yan'an on the wall. Later, Chairman Mao's side created a relief, like, the replacement of the plaster wall hall, which is used as surface relief in the \Wang Zhaowen, 1932 in Hangzhou National Art School sculpture. 1939 South Rainbow in Chengdu Art Academy and other private school teaching, he served the people of Chengdu Art Museum Director of Education. December 1940 Yan'an, the Lu Xun Academy of Arts in Fine Arts Department faculty. Central Party School in Yan'an in 1941 for the creation of a large auditorium relief as Mao Zedong, known as the liberated areas of fine art masterpieces.

fifties some manufacturers to start making a statue of President. Sacred five museum a statue of Chairman Mao made the mid for the solid plaster, more than 60 cm high and weighs about pounds. Bottom row behind the statue inscription from right to left: the Ministry of public art work work work produced. The original statue placed in a city train station conference room, when found in an open space near the train station, Gegedada body can be seen from the statue, this statue weathered through rain and snow.

1995 summer, in order to investigate a production process bodiless statue of Chairman Mao,doudoune moncler, visited Fuzhou bodiless lacquerware factory manager Chen Chengshan second, in his speech,moncler uk, Chen recalled the director and a coworker in 1959 to celebrate the Chinese people the tenth anniversary of the Republic, the plant produced a special bodiless statue of Chairman Mao used the National Day parade, the statue was installed in the car, as two meters high,moncler women, unfortunately, in the eighties against the \notice can not save statue of Chairman Mao, one night, secretly statue shatter. Also in the survey, they said, the plant also produced in 1976, Hua Guofeng, a statue, this statue made for some historical background. \The reason is because the plant employs more than six hundred heads of the old Hua Guofeng grateful. There is a long history of story.

for the statue of Chairman Mao and a little-known story. Before the Cultural Revolution, the country has held a statue of Chairman Mao sculpture competition. Yun Wang Wei the race (1921-2005.7) Fuzhou, good bodiless lacquerware craft and sculpture, about 41 years old in 1962, was \China's first selection in 1987, \In his studio has an unfinished picture of Chairman Mao, although not finished, but it makes one look like, when asked when the production of this work,moncler coat, Wong Lo said that this statue of Chairman Mao, as has been done a long time. Why not make it finished, the original 1964 unit leaders informed him that the country held in Fuzhou Mao sculpture exhibition, so he went to the provincial communication office (now the Lake Hotel) report. The event consists of two light and other departments responsible for organizing, from the country by the Academy of Fine Arts, arts and crafts research unit, the manufacturer selected to participate in the 21 sculptures capable. Shen Fu Wen, Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts with the Central Academy of Fine Arts Lei Jian Yuan,

Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts was also, Fuzhou plant in addition to himself there is a de Zhang Shudong, the thick end of the second hair removal works. Game time is March 1964 to April, one month can not leave the communication at all, to concentrate on writing. This 21

sculpture artists are selected from all over, representing the highest level of world sculpture. A month later, 21 clay, like Chairman Mao completed, each statue more than a meter in height, the maximum of about one meter eighty, only one wave. Wong Lo recalled, 21 statue arrived in Fuzhou Wuyi Square reviewing stand on display, provincial and city units have to organize the masses to visit the exhibition solemn and lively, the exhibition also be selected, by the leadership and the first two to evaluate the masses, the final ranking by the group of experts in various Ping Chu. The first is the Central Academy of Ray Kennedy yuan, he created a statue of Chairman Mao is the only one waving 21 images, the works of Wong Lo was named the first two are the third, when the third selected by the expert group was as the second. Wong Lo would like to get second place is not easy, not their own clay works, the consent of the relevant departments agreed that the work translated into bodiless head, has been retained in the side. There have been a central leadership, a provincial leader, Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, Central Academy of Fine Arts want to get this respect born out of Chairman Mao sculpture, Wong Lo is to \down. The statue will never allow Wong Lo unfinished statue in the millennium year to \This sculpture is the statue of Chinese history since the President first and only time evidence of Chairman Mao sculpture competition, the museum said it would maintain the original ecosystem, always save the good works of this statue, this is the history of the preservation of historical collections.

clearly the most exceptional person, a nation is the spiritual pillar of this nation, Comrade Mao Zedong is a set of statesman, military strategist, thinker, philosopher, writer on a great leader, he is the Chinese nation spiritual support.

(author Li Zhenhua, his childhood love of collecting, the nineties started to collect various materials and all kinds of Chairman Mao statue about three hundred, 96 December Fujian TV, CCTV News Network reported that the statue of Mao Zedong collection of results. 98 April should select a number of fine statues of Mao Zedong invited to attend the second session held in Hainan, China collecting art exhibition, well received, the exhibition is the preface, \Gallery \founded on \Li Zhenhua / Photo Editor silent person)

