
- Read Yu Xiao opening poem UGGS Outlet NederlandUGG Outlet Store

Yang Yuan

(Chuxiong Teachers College Department of Chinese, 2004 (1) class 2004010140)

Abstract: \representative of a poem selected plastic and Writing Images approach has a rich deep meaning. Had a high degree of autonomy of the poet's writing, taking away the symbolism of the original image, giving them a symbol of new content, images, or between and through the relationship between explicit and implicit description wipe, so that the whole poem into a new metaphor - symbol of the world, the traditional metaphor - symbolic poetry writing pattern has escaped, it can be seen as an anxious and confused in the present cultural background of a trend in poetry. So escape the metaphor - a symbol of poetic way of writing a pattern to make a shift to read it to some extent, readers of their own to promote the improvement of reading literacy.

Keywords: To the traditional; Interpretation; metaphor - a symbol; escape; way of reading the history of literature

each time period are the literary characteristics of each,UGGS Outlet Nederland, and each session will accumulate certain conditions, these conditions make the future generations can thus create a qualitative leap in literature, thus promoting the literature take a substantial step forward, it is the inexorable law of literary development. In the literature the accumulation phase, inevitably there are many people difficult to explore, a considerable part of the work would even be times discarded, but they are \The. Contemporary Chinese poetry in a period of time also is in the accumulation stage, the poetry in a relatively stable environment in the development,UGG Outlet Store, although no collective works of poets and poetry carnival ceremony, but those who seek in poetry efforts, poetry has been toward diversification, the new alienation, personal direction.

one, \The more widespread concern, from the \He describes himself as a materialist, he does not escape the material aspects of poetry writing and writing a political level, due to the strong inner sense of social responsibility, he will own world view, political view and the concept of hybridity in the poetry of literature, he said \Governments have reduced the company's time, poetry of the pan to avoid the political sense, abandoned in the language and through poetry, the relationship between reconstruction and the responsibility of the world, equivalent to avoidance and abandonment of poetry. extreme, too many of the poems are discussed of modernity, refers to the political poetry. \Therefore, hard texture of his poetry, language, sharp, hard to read even very obscure people. But the reader can expand his language, unique feel the mystery of the variability,UGGS Schoenen, from daily life, to appreciate the details of experience in writing a real mysterious.

\The whole poem is not long, composed by the four verses, with the \Selected Poems and Writing Images approach plastic has a rich deep meaning, unique personalized poem for exploration and innovation, implies the poet's profound social ideology of the current thinking. In the \tradition? And how to succeed? First, the poet chose a more liberal and tolerant way - dialogue. Dialogue has two meanings, one of which gives interlocutors to provide a relatively relaxed environment, interlocutors able to maintain an equality and freedom, tolerance attitude to actively participate in the dialogue, so many think outside the box to get rid of interlocutors restrictions, break thought of imprisonment, to express their unique views. As scholars Ding Dong said, \Second, the dialogue can create a broad space for development.

thrust-weight personal style has always been, in terms of the pursuit of new poetry style \metrical possibilities of modern poetry to try and explain that his themes and language in poetry tends to complex condensed phase changes, and he emerged the last century, full of real concern that Qiu Jin Jin Long's poetic style is obviously different. \Themes and language of Chinese poetry of the most \Sun jade in the \It seems, \

Second, the escape of the metaphor - a symbol of the world

In today's modern, technological society, God and God are missing, the hearts of men no longer call the divine, human everyday objects thought to be occupied, the lack of religious beliefs, traditional symbol of the world has faded, turned into a \Traditional things in modern society have lost the symbolic meaning of a symbol only - meaningful relationships, \These poems and poets used to be the basis of which take shelter. \As a symbol of the traditional model can not meet the rapid development of modern society, which will definitely cause a change in the way of human cognition. \to rethink the knowledge, but also caused in the arts must be adjusted accordingly, that is reflective of reality and reflection of their own language and make new arrangements for two ... ... \are \space metaphor - a symbol of the world. Relative to the daily life of language,UGG Adirondack, the literary language itself is within the means of, it does not have to follow the logic of real life, it is a direct reflection of the creators of literary and subjective inner world of ideas, as long as the real world of his real shock enjoy sexual experience demonstrated that such language will be able to create a fusion of the art world in the atmosphere, it is successful. And as the most concise form of the language - poetry, its performance is within the means of a literary language than any other to be strong. In the current social context, the rapid economic development led the development of social bias on the physical level, making the front of the whole society becomes chaotic state of the poet, religious consciousness and the power of faith in the face of real life looked very weak. In other words, the poet's inner world of this group is no longer common in the pursuit of divine beauty, which focus more on personal inner experience of the poet to express, in poetic use of language in favor of the original nature of the language - symbols, the use of the nature of linguistic symbols meaning hidden behind, creating a forest of strange mind the semantic space, the performance of inner experience to achieve the effect of the poet. \symbolic significance, given the new symbol of their content and, through images, or between the relationship between explicit and implicit description wipe, so that the entire poem into an image or metaphor, cognitive abilities and their own endowed with the cognitive significance language variation, this kind of writing a manner closer to the daily experience of authenticity, it drops the other side of the utopian description of the details of everyday life to extract the magic of the imagination, the dramatic metaphor - a symbol, and a profound implication philosophical thinking. We can understand from the following three aspects:

First Poems by the original symbolic missing. In \contains the traditional symbolism, the opposition in light and dark to produce a new meaning in space, constitute a poet, the subjective experience of cognitive metaphor - a symbol of the poetry world, thus stimulating a new kind of inner experience. We look at Section I:


ice hold night I come to you.

I held the dead streets and dead end unlimited

become promenade, I lost my

containing aromatic back hurt as much as the shame Shanghai.

I move toward you far more than forest birds to vote,

I hope the person you are.

Qintai playing in the ancient place is fixed, usually a separate garden pavilion or tower. Why is the dialogue with the traditional poets from Qintai start? For the ancient Chinese literati, the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting is a necessary technology through the arts, human sentiments of the mold, the piano is in first place, we can see, the piano for the importance of ancient scholars can be said that the Chinese Qin culture heritage of life more props. But here, \Qintai is a very personal space, just as scholars Shuzhai as a poet that highly traditional cultural connotation select the image, the image of the traditions as a platform, it fixed the location of space, the poet Juede traditional Qintai as palpable as people.

and II of \, the image of homesick, and as poets and poetry of the object, creating infinite meaning. In the Chinese mind, the symbol of the moon is always beautiful. In the poem, the poet as to taking away the symbolic significance of these very pleasant, but through the imagination of the event description, make time and space in the \current thinking about social ideology. Significant experience in these poems feel the presence of flavor. The poet is in this \symbolic meaning.

Second, the whole poem through images, or between the relationship between explicit and implicit description of wiping to form a new metaphor - a symbol of the world. Traditional metaphor - a symbol of this is achieved through the symbolic imagery to create effects, and in \In another form fuzzy state metaphor - a symbol pattern. We first look at the overall structure of the poem: the whole poem is built around \The reading was found, the entire structure is ambiguous relationships. We start from the theme of the poem, can determine the scope of poetic experience in the subject? Poetry writing background, the front has been discussed before. Tradition in China, is a vast cultural system, including economic, political, cultural, moral, etc., then the traditional system of large promise, the poet of the traditional understanding of how to make it? Xiao Yu spoke of opening relations with the traditional poet, said: \always look for the most affinity with their traditions. \Multiple basic aesthetic innovation and seek consensus. \[9] From this, the author is not the traditional understanding of what things should be specific to the level of the poet mind, tradition is a very inclusive culture system, which is a common cultural treasures, meet to select their own personal tradition, he emphasizes the development of a useful tradition of their own essence of the traditional sharing should be for its own purposes, to have a personal choice and development of the time selectivity. If specific to the poetic tradition, that is, language, art, poetry and other fine quality of state elements, or the time for our personal development will come in handy with things, without being selected will be temporarily stored, and perhaps the greatest charm of traditional poetry lies in her artistic creation with unlimited potential and possibility. To understand that, \So, it is plastic and the poet selected between the four images will not be one to one relationship or tolerance, we can not solely think so: tradition is Qintai, the moon and the sudden to the drinking buddy, is clothes, or traditional, including them. We proceeded to read each section of the poem, the four images in each section there is no specific image content, read the whole poem, we can not come to what is traditional? Qintai What is it? What is the moon? So similar answers, not to get to the bottom of these issues.

Now we look back title \\the object of \\read four or overt or covert relationship.

in the \and \Is addressed to the significance of the traditional metaphor of \The final section we will look at:

evening dress is my dawn.

six or seven o'clock, strange like a secretary,

like a pen leak stones and mountains and beautiful,

and fermented glutinous rice dumpling.

I would carry gutter,UGGS Kopen, the other Shoulin dance,

Kennedy sitting. Who is dead asleep,

I dreamed your dream but not.

evening, is a transition from the stage of day to night, you can say that it is the day the two turning points (dusk - dawn) one. If the dawn means the light inspires the students, meaning passion, then, implies that the evening is the arrival of the night, rich in the other realm of life - the quiet, so it is the day most exotic and philosophical meaning of life moment. The poet said: \emerged, inspired the \Imagine the whole poem is a strange state of continuous writing, can be called \But never had the reference to \Clothes are a symbol of the history of human civilization, and unique personal touch. Clothes are a kind of personal life experience representation, human life is a metaphor for the state. Therefore, the poet seems, is the relationship between dress and evening unspeakable affair, and finally \

Third, the poet was writing a high degree of autonomy, creating a strange metaphor - a symbol of the world. We discussed the front to the poet \Poet as Narrations subject, but to bystanders, on behalf of the foresight of the visionary image, completely ignored the existence of the reader, writing to a high degree of autonomy. Weakened the traditional lyrical composition, but behind the seemingly calm Writing, contains the poet of life, made a profound social thinking, this rational stirring the hearts of long existed in the poet. Unfamiliar language variation through the creation of the poet of the poetic space, strange, \nature, to bring new readers to the inner experience. Russian Formalism home Shklovsky said, \things as the feeling of recognition; art approach is to make something unfamiliar way is to make the forms become blurred, increasing the difficulty and the time felt the way, because the feeling of art is an end in itself, should be extended. \It would appear that the poet in the poetry produced unfamiliar language manipulation, the ultimate goal is to create an unfamiliar metaphor - a symbol of the world, sparking the reader's imagination, to arouse the reader's inner experience the new, Italian poet of the heart shocking experience with the phase fusion. In order to achieve such a strange effect of the poetic language of the initiatives variation method of psychological cognitive style in itself a manifestation of the poet, the poet of language variation through the creation of an unfamiliar image, his own subjective ideas to strengthen the image in so that the \[12]

following discussion, we look at the poem that these are novel, unusual nature of language variation:

\strange expression, the bustling Huaihai Road, Shanghai painted more like a lipstick girl, tender and beautiful flashy, materialistic metaphor of modern society under cover of the depletion, and the feelings of the aforementioned accent Writing in sharp contrast. Look at \\\Or \This should be close to the latter. Dusk is the mysterious, strange state, the poet made it a metaphor in this series, only the metaphor in a very metaphorical way of thinking this vague state. Then it is a full expression of singular imagination: \Why is this so? Poet extremely Zhuanzhe asserting his own attitude: Kennedy sat as strong as the sitting monk Da Zuo, sitting in the evening of space, only the fantasy of these extremely confused. \But \Poet is to create these strange language variation metaphor - a symbol of the world,Moncler Jassen, to arouse the reader's mind between the resonance and the author.

three, escaped a metaphor - a symbol of poetic writing a pattern to make a shift in the way of reading

Finally, there is the question we need to discuss. So escape the metaphor - a symbol of the poetry world, the poet's creation can not meet the set formed by readers of the reading habits of thinking style can not be soon in the hearts of readers in mind a strong resonance. But we said, this is only anxiety and confusion in the present matter the cultural background of a trend in poetry, readers can adjust their reading habits. \stretching between the process of language interpretation and thus becomes a search for traces, capturing the cultural significance of events. Therefore, Lacan, language and the language of people in the alleged activities is not so much things, passing significance, as it is unconscious activity revealed a symptom ... ... inspired by the idea of Lacan, Althusser proposed 'symptomatic reading' (Symptomatic reading) theory, the essence lies in its emphasis, not only to interpret the text of the letter of the language, And it should also take the language of the text as a symptom, in order to start to analyze and capture the text of the hidden words. \: Readers and hidden in the text of the dialogue, which is a special way of reading, readers encounter the inevitable problems of one kind, and then with these questions in the text search of the answer, by constantly \verbal exchanges \

this makes reading a shift in the way of poetry writing a pattern also has another important significance: it led the reader to some extent, the improvement of their reading literacy. Since the readers for the text is a \, the variation in the poetic language of his mouth in the social life of Fu's philosophical thinking, but also reflects the colorful social life, artistic image of the text the reader the feeling of experience, there will be a new reading disability, which will be encourage readers to improve their range of arts and culture on social life and the cognitive capacity to continuously enhance their reading literacy.

IV Conclusion

short, in today's cultural background, can not sacrifice the poets have written poems in the static mode. Diversity in the community driven development, poetry some changes have taken place within the poet in the face of present chaotic state of the real world, the poems tend to the diversification of the presentation, the new alienation, personal direction. Xiao Kaiyu \out, therefore, the poet taking the time to the original symbolism of the selected images, giving them a symbol of new content, images, or between and through the relationship between explicit and implicit description wipe, so that the entire poem into an image or metaphor,Bottes UGG, the traditional poetry metaphor - a symbol of the world has escaped, it is the poet in verse style on an innovative exploration, development is a trend of poetry. So escape the metaphor - a symbol of poetic way of writing a pattern to make a shift to read it to some extent, readers of their own to promote the improvement of reading literacy.


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[7] Wang Dongdong. passion to correct: Xiao Yu's cultural poetics open

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present chaotic state of the poet in the face of the reality of the world, has not he sacrifice in the static mode of poetry writing, poetry, there have been some internal changes in the presentation of poetry tend to a wide range of new alienation, personal direction. \Had a high degree of autonomy of the poet's writing, taking away the symbolism of the original image, giving them a symbol of new content, images, or between and through the relationship between explicit and implicit description wipe, so that the whole poem into a new metaphor - symbol of the world, the traditional metaphor - symbolic poetry writing pattern has escaped, it can be seen as an anxious and confused in the present cultural background of a trend in poetry. So escape the metaphor - a symbol of poetic way of writing a pattern to make a shift to read it to some extent, readers of their own to promote the improvement of reading literacy. References

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