
The Page by Mark Halperin

Whitman tells Brown his campaign's language is "not befitting of California ...[or]… the office you're running for" during debate Tuesday.

Brown's apology included caveats and push backs.

More debate details – from immigration to AB32 – here. »

Apology Not Accepted

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Gov. to greet voters, deliver statement in Deerfield Beach at 10:30 am ET.

Michelle Obama kicks off Dem campaigning/fundraising tour at events for Feingold and Giannoulias Wednesday. Read where and when after the jump. »

-- Press Secretary Gibbs convenes off-camera gaggle, 10:00 am ET.

-- Santorum delivers keynote speech at Linn Eagles luncheon in Iowa, 1 pm ET.

-- President Obama meets with college students, families on the impact of the American Opportunity Tax Credit, 1:45 pm ET. More events after the jump. »


