
Idealism, materialism is wrong, only the truth forever!

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12318 2008 年 10 月 30 日 15:27 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (4) Category: Personal Diary

World itself infinite random, and only in the cognitive will freeze before.
can be understood, the world itself does not exist, there is the perception given to the definition of the world.

in the visual world into a screen in front of
in front of the world into the sound of hearing
in front of the world a taste of the flavor
in front of the world into a sense of touch
in front of the world into a sense of smell odor
in front of the computer world into the 0101
in front of the world into a thermal hot and cold cognition in different

before the world changed become a different world.

the relevance of cognitive, cognitive and cognitive A B linked to each other, some, some not linked. For example, in human consciousness \smell the odor.

cognitive limitations, such as through human consciousness \to temperature, and human consciousness \

B if A sense of being and no connection between the sense of a human flu known as A, then B is parallel to the sense of the world of the world.

and all the knowledge, understanding to, knowledge itself is emulated, it can be said decoded.

